Mind Power

Your mind is amazing!

It can work for you or against you.

However, remember you are in control of you mind.

You get to choose your thoughts and your reactions to those thoughts, nobody else.

You have the power, don't give that to anyone.

It's yours to keep and care for and allows you to live an amazing life!

It's your choice!



If you only realised the power of your mind, you would use it to your benefit and not to criticize.

We are our own worst critics and let our internal words go wild; how about we change this and become our own best friend.

When we make this change we respect ourselves, we wouldn’t chastise our friends the way we do ourselves.

The mind is very powerful and not difficult to understand, it believes what we tell it whether it’s truthful or its lies.

Now that you know this detail, take care what you tell yourself, choose your words more wisely and make them positive.

Wake up every morning and think what you’re grateful for, you can write them in a journal or hold them in your mind.

An attitude of gratitude will start your day with a positive spark, it’s difficult to be negative when you focus on the good.

The more you focus on the good the more you will attract, when your mind does the opposite, try saying to yourself ‘stop that’.

Reframing negative thoughts to positive ones takes time and practice too, just stick with it and make the change it will completely change your life.

I’m sharing this with everyone as it’s an important lesson to learn; for those of us who have struggled in life with thoughts whirling in our mind.

This skill completely changes your life allowing you to live in the here and now; there is nowhere else you need to be, you’re fine as you are right here, right now.

Empower yourself with thoughtful words to create a better you, one who can truly enjoy life now and not when you reach yet another goal, but just as you are now.

It can be easy to lose ourselves by dwelling on the past or worrying about the future; one of which we can’t change and the other is for us to create.

What’s better than enjoying the now, with your new found positive thoughts and creating the life you truly want?

It is all down to you make a choice, do you want to live a positive, happy life or an unhappy, worrisome one?

For me the choice is easy, I’ll keep practicing reframing my thoughts and treat myself like my own best friend and stop the self-criticism.

I’m on my path to a happier life by seeing the good in all things and being grateful for all I have.


Much love.

Fiona Pearson (aka Boudicea)

Wellness Coach & Clinical Hypnotherapist

Email: fiona@fionapearsonwomenswellness.com


